This comparative research project focused upon all-age schools (also known as all-through schools or through schools), in three different countries, to explore the ways in which all-age schools contribute to enhanced student learning and improved student well-being. Pupils from 3-18 years may be catered for in one institution. avoiding the well researched difficulties encountered at the ‘transition phase’ between primary and secondary education. Most of the research on the transition phase shows a negative impact on student learning/wellbeing. whereas all-age schools provide a seamless transition between primary and secondary school. This research project explored how students in all-age schools, particularly at the transition phase, cope with learning demands and how far an all-age school environment supports students’ mental health/well-being. The issue of greater efficiency along with any differences in curriculum, assessment and general learning experiences was looked through a comparative analysis of all-age schools in three very different contexts. The countries selected for comparison, have a variety of all-age provision, that offered a rich basis for collecting empirical data on this form of schooling.
The aim of this research was to strengthen the knowledge base on teachers and teaching in all-age school settings. We aimed to provide evidence to support teachers, in such settings, to develop innovative teaching and assessment methods. We aimed to provide data on the most effective leadership structures in all-age schools including evidence about the impact of different leadership practices, including distributed leadership and teacher leadership. We also looked at the issues of students’ mental health and well-being, providing insights into the ways in which the well-being of students is supported in very different contexts and settings.
In summary, this collaborative research project helped to secure a better understanding of the ways in which all-age schooling, in different contexts, functions and how such schools provide students with a positive learning environment. We also looked at the innovative pedagogical processes in place in such schools. We also wanted to explore the relationship between an all-age school environment and students’ wellbeing /mental health. COVID caused some barriers to data collection, and we have worked within these limitations and developed robust research tools to continue this work post project.