UPRIGHT, “Universal Preventive Resilience Intervention globally implemented in schools to improve and promote mental Health for Teenagers” started on the 1st of January 2018 and will last for 48 months. The project aims to promote mental well-being among adolescents, while preventing mental illnesses in education centres through increasing their resilience capacity.
Early adolescence, from 12 to 14 years of age, is considered a time of major physical, mental, emotional and social changes. There are risk factors, which may lead to mental health disorders and health-risk behaviours for this age group. In this context, working with resilience may become a very valuable tool to improve their capacity to address adverse situations and maintain positive mental health.
UPRIGHT aims to enhance the resilience capacity of teenagers. The project includes the proposal to co-design a resilience programme aimed at teenagers, families, professionals in the fields of education, and education centres, which will be implemented in five pilot countries (Iceland, Italy, Poland, Denmark and the Basque Country – Spain).
UPRIGHT er rannsóknarverkefni styrkt af Horizon 2020, Rannsókna- og nýsköpunaráætlunar ESB undir styrktarnúmerinu No. 754919. UPRIGHT skammstöfunin stendur fyrir: “Universal Preventive Resilience Intervention Globally implemented in schools to improve and promote mental Health for Teenagers“. Aðalmarkmið verkefnisins er að stuðla að andlegri vellíðan ungs fólks og minnka líkur á geðröskunum með því að efla seiglu þeirra, fjölskyldna þeirra og starfsfólks skóla á heildstæðan hátt. UPRIGHT samanstendur af fjórum meginþáttum og 18 undirþáttum. Meginþættir verkefnisins eru: Núvitund, bjargráð, sjálfstraust og félags- og tilfinningahæfni. Æfingum og núvitundaræfingum er dreift í gegnum allt námsefnið og er núvitund hluti af öllum kennslustundum.