Seizmic – Feedback and mentoring in Social Entrepreneurship Education
This doctoral research at School of Education is one of three PhD positions at University of Iceland, which all are a part of a doctoral network of 15 PhD-students that is funded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) and Aurora European University Network.
The research at School of Education has a focus on the role of feedback and mentoring that students receive and how it enhances their competences in social entrepreneurships in university studies and practitioner courses. The aim is to develop interdisciplinary model for professional learning and curriculum development.
Further information:
Keywords: Feedback, mentoring, curriculum development, social entrepreneurship
Funded by:
HORIZON-MSCA-2023-DN-01 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – MSCA Doctoral Networks 2023 Developing talents, advancing research supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie (grant agreement N.101169098),
Co-funded by the Aurora 2030 project, which is funded by the European Union
In Icelandic:
Seizmic – Endurgjöf og leiðsögn í menntun um félagslega nýsköpun
Þessi doktorsrannsókn á Menntavísindasviði er ein þriggja í Háskóla Ísland sem eru hluti af netverki 15 doktorsnema sem styrkt er af Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) og Aurora-samstarfinu.
Rannsóknin á Menntavísindasviði snýst um hlutverk endurgjafar og leiðsagnar sem nemendur fá og hvernig hún stuðlar að og eflir hæfni þeirra í félagslegri nýsköpun í háskólanámi og starfi. Markmiðið er að þróa þverfræðilegt líkan fyrir starfsþróun fólks og þróun námskrár á þessu sviði.
Nánari upplýsingar: