
DigiEdu4SEN – Building Digital Education Environment for Learners with Special Education Needs

Empowering learners through inclusive digital education
The Atollo Project enriches schools, educators and learners by providing essential digital education tools and resources. Research insights and innovative practices shared by our Consortium promote inclusivity throughout Europe and worldwide, improving the educational landscape. It is a pioneering initiative funded by the European Union, aimed at empowering learners with disabilities through the creation of accessible and inclusive digital educational materials.

Collaborating across two continents, our consortium of partners from Croatia, Bulgaria, Austria, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Ireland, and Australia brings together expertise from EdTech companies, universities, special schools, public authorities, and NGOs. Our goal is to transform digital education to be truly inclusive, ensuring equal opportunities and access for all learners.

Our mission is to create high-quality, accessible and engaging digital educational content that caters to the unique needs of learners with disabilities. By adopting a user-centred design approach and engaging in an iterative process of development, pilot testing, and evaluation, our digital materials are both effective and enjoyable for learners. Furthermore, we are dedicated to building capacity among educators, so they can effectively use these digital materials in their teaching practices.

Upplýsingar á íslensku
Atollo-verkefnið (DigiEdu4SEN-network) miðar að því að styrkja nemendur með sérþarfir með því að hanna stafrænt námsefni. Samstarfsaðilar eru fulltrúar frá tæknifyrirtækjum, háskólum, sérskólum og menntayfirvöldum frá Króatíu, Búlgaríu, Austurríki, Þýskalandi, Íslandi, Noregi, Írlandi og Ástralíu. Þessir aðilar munu greina námskrár og hæfniviðmið viðkomandi landa með það fyrir augum að þróa stafrænt námsefni. Efnið verður prufukeyrt og metið af nemendum, kennurum og sérfræðingum. Í ljósi matsins mun námsefnið verða aðlagað og gert aðgengilegt fyrir þá sem kenna og nýta stafrænt námsefni með börnum með sérþarfir.


Anna Magnea Hreinsdóttir (PI)
Skúlína Hlíf Kjartansdóttir
The Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy, Króatía
Charles-Hallgarten-Schule, Þýskaland
University of Education, Upper Austria (PH OOE), Austurríki
Háskóli Íslands, Ísland
University of Zagreb – Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, Króatía
National Association of Resource Teachers, Búlagaría
Regional Center for the Support of the Process of Inclusive Education, Búlgaría
Inland Norway University of applied sciences, Noregur
School for training and education – Pula, Króatía
Profil Klett Ltd., Króatía
Central Queensland University, Ástralía
Matrix Internet, Írland
Tímabil rannsóknar
Frá: 1. janúar 2024

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