
Nordic Research Network on Digitalising Childhoods – DigiChild

The primary objectives of the Digitalising Childhoods workshop program were to:

(i) synthesise existing research in the area of digitalising childhoods in the Nordic countries and internationally, and, based on this knowledge,
further multidisciplinary research and innovation in the area

(ii) develop a sustained multidisciplinary network of Nordic researchers who are equipped to generate cutting-edge research knowledge on opportunities and risks of digitalisation in childhood for the benefit of Nordic countries and globally,

(iii) develop a research program that generates necessary knowledge for research, policy and practice (in industry, education and the third sector)
about the way in which digital technologies and media can advance children’s participation, learning and
development in and for the digital age. The secondary objectives of the network are to (i) facilitate exploratory
dialogues, challenging existing assumptions and research knowledge, and to generate novel innovative ideas, (ii)
develop project participants’ skills in researching digitalising childhoods, and hence increase research capacity
and enhance career prospects in the field, and (iii) create further research project applications and network
funding within the Nordic countries as well as on an European level.

Digitalising Childhoods workshop program involved a network of five universities in Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland and aimed to increase cutting-edge research knowledge of the potentials and pressing issues of digitalisation on children’s (aged 0-18 years) participation, learning, and wellbeing in Nordic societies and beyond.


Sólveig Jakobsdóttir (PI)
Skúlína Hlíf Kjartansdóttir
University of Helsinki, Finland
University of Southern Denmark
University of Iceland
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
University of Oslo, Norway
Tímabil rannsóknar
Frá: 1. janúar 2019
Til: 31. desember 2020

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