
ITE – PractiMent – Initial Teacher Education – Practicum and Mentorship

Most European countries are currently engaged in reforming their public education systems. Although the objectives behind these reforms are shaped by the specificities of national contexts, their main points of view can be foreseen: 1) the adjustment of skills frameworks to meet the challenges of technology, economic development, sustainability and democratic culture; 2) the need to prepare citizens for the uncertainty and unpredictability of the labour market, thus valuing lifelong learning; 3) the need to promote inclusive education, as part of a broader movement to combat inequalities and early school leaving and high dropout rates.

At school level, the success of such policies depends on the commitment of teachers, whose knowledge and skills must be subject to a continuous process of reflection and improvement. This process should be activated during initial training programmes and extended throughout the career, in order to support teachers’ identity and professional development. The innovative approach of the project emerges from the deepening of the interrelationships between ITE and CPD programmes, as well as from the reflection on the process through which teachers construct their pedagogical knowledge in the school and classroom ecosystem.

Kristín Jónsdóttir (PI)
Kristín Harðardóttir
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway.
University of Iceland, Faculty of Education and Pedagogy, Iceland.
Tímabil rannsóknar
Frá: 1. janúar 2022
Til: 30. september 2024

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