
EntreComp 360 – Entrepreneurship360 Network

EntreComp 360 – Entrepreneurship360 Network is a European project about supporting actors in all sectors of the lifelong learning system to enhance the development, validation and recognition of the entrepreneurship key competence across lifelong learning. It will do this by the Entrepreneurship360 platform, a one-stop-shop to provide guidance, collate tools, share practice, learn through online training and connect those working on the practical implementation of EntreComp into learning and work.

The project includes partners from six countries and will actively engage with wider networks of practitioners and organisations from, formal education, youth organisations, employers and business/start-up.

This project will drive the implementation of EntreComp as a tool for lifelong learning sectors to place a focus on the transversal skills needed in the modern workforce – addressing skills gaps and mismatches to support social inclusion and economic growth.

The objectives of the project derive directly from EntreComp research carried out by partners with the European Commission – we will target lifelong learning organisations and practitioners working across Europe to access and engage with the Entrepreneurship360 platform as a one-stop-shop for the peer networks, guidance, tools, resources and MOOC based training that they need to understand and use the EntreComp competence framework.


Mobilise engagement across lifelong learning to understand the relevance of EntreComp

Connect practitioners and organisations interested in or actively using the EntreComp framework

Empower learning organisations and practitioners to use EntreComp as a tool to drive entrepreneurial learning design, assessment and recognition

Tailor guidance to specific contexts through how-to guides on the potential of EntreComp for emerging areas of potential

Initially (1) Employers – HR and recruitment (2) Youthwork and (3) Assessment and certification/recognition

Map progress of the EntreComp community

Evidenced through an extensive baseline survey and follow-up survey after 30 months to assess progress and impact.

The project will target practitioners, organisations and system level actors across lifelong learning. It involves partners from across lifelong learning sectors, and this will drive active engagement with networks from formal education, youth and non-formal sector, employers/business and start-up support organisations.

Specific partners will take the lead on recommending and implementing networking approaches with specific sectors of lifelong learning.

This drives up the quantity and quality of design, implementation, assessment, transparency and recognition of the entrepreneurship key competence. It will target governance systems, professional networks, learning organisations, business, employers and practitioners involved in the design and delivery of learning in any setting. This project seeks to show how EntreComp can be part of a transnational solution to the needs identified above.

While the focus will be on Europe, the project will reach out to worldwide networks, both sharing and showcasing the value of EU initiatives and EU funding.

Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir (PI)
Kristín Harðardóttir
Háskóli Íslands, Ísland
Not a Bad Idea, Finnland
Bantani Education, Belgía
Materahub, Ítalía
Innogate to Europe, Spánn
The Women’s Organisation, Bretland
DARE Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe, Belgíu
Tímabil rannsóknar
Frá: 1. september 2019
Til: 31. desember 2024

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