ArtEd – Developing Educators´Artistic Practice in Schools er bæði þróunar- og rannsóknarverkefni undir Erasmus+. Það miðar að því að bæta jákvæða geðheilsu ungs fólks á grunnskólaaldri með því að gera kennurum kleift að vinna á skapandi hátt í gegnum listir. Þetta er þriggja ára verkefni sem hefur tvö megin markmið. Annars vegar að búa til opin aðgang að kennsluefni sem byggir á skapandi kennsluleiðum fyrir kennara og foreldra til að efla þátttöku ungmenna í listsköpun. Og hins vegar að rannsaka það sköpunarferli sem á sér stað í kennslu þegar ungt fólk vinnur í gegnum.
In English
This ERASMUS+ funded “arted” project started in November 2020 and ran until August 2023 and was jointly led by Dr. Lisa Stephenson and Dr. Tom Dobson from the Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University. The project draws upon the expertise of the Story Makers Company, for which Lisa is Director, as well partners across Europe.
“Arted” employed a participatory co-design model, involving young people, artists, teachers, and parents, to produce a range of inclusive, interactive guides, which focus on how to engage young people with the creative arts. These guides are open access and include an interactive game and audio-visual immersive experiences of artists in practice.
The project builds upon research by Story Makers Company which indicates that involvement in the creative arts can impact positively upon young people’s wellbeing. By transferring the knowledge, skills and practices of artists working in education to teachers, trainee teachers, parents and carers, arted will:
- Improve young people’s wellbeing and engagement in schooling at all ages
- Reduce early school leaving
- Strengthen the profile of the teaching profession
“Arted” will have an impact across Europe upon teachers, trainee teachers, parents, and carers, who will use the creative arts in the education and development of young people. The sharing of good practice through our inclusive guides will strengthen the profile of the teaching profession, impact positively upon young people’s mental health and engagement and reduce early school leaving.