
Rannsóknir á Menntavísindasviði


6 rannsóknir fundust í flokknum Vellíðan.
SKORA mynd
SKORA – Stúlkur, Knattspyrna og Rannsókn á Atgervi
Í rannsókninni verða framkvæmdar ýmsar mælingar á atgervi eins og þrek, snerpa, hraði, kraftur og færni hjá konum í fótbolta. Sérstök áhersla verður á að skoða líkamssamsetningu, kynþroska, beinþroska stúlkna og áhrif tíðahrings á tíðni meiðsla og brottfall stúlkna úr knattspyrnu sem verða síðan tengdir við andlega líðan, líkamlega heilsu, þjálfun og aðra lífstílsþætti.

LIFE – Life Worth Living: Caring for our Educators and Principals
LIFE aims to increase the well-being of educators and principals by increasing their sense of meaning in life. For far too long the weight of changing societal needs has been on the shoulders of schools, specifically educators and school leaders. This was true before the COVID-19 pandemic and became glaringly obvious during the pandemic.

EXPECT – Exploring Practicies in Early Childhood of Tomorrow: Develop resilience in social sustainable childhoods after Covid-19
This project will contribute to a cross-cultural and multidisciplinary picture to ensure resilience in social sustainability in early childhood education in the event of future pandemics, through bringing together findings across the EXPECT studies.

íÆ vinir
Íslenska æskulýðsrannsóknin (ÍÆ)
Markmið verkefnisins er að safna gögnum um velferð og viðhorf barna og ungmenna og gera niðurstöður aðgengilegar til að styðja við stefnumótun aðila sem koma að þjónustu og umönnun barna og ungmenna. Grundvöllur verkefnisins liggur einnig í að skapa aðstæður til snemmbærs inngrips og stuðnings við börn og fjölskyldur þeirra.

Politics of Belonging - Getty images
Politics of belonging: Promoting children’s inclusion in education settings across borders
This multidisciplinary research project aims to promote children’s inclusion in educational settings. Belonging is approached as a relational, multi-dimensional, contested, and power-loaded phenomenon that is constructed in the intersection between the macro-level politics and humans daily lives at the micro-level.

UPRIGHT, “Universal Preventive Resilience Intervention globally implemented in schools to improve and promote mental Health for Teenagers” started on the 1st of January 2018 and lasts for 48 months. The project aims to promote mental well-being among adolescents, while preventing mental illnesses in education centers through increasing their resilience capacity.

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Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.