
Rannsóknir á Menntavísindasviði


9 rannsóknir fundust í flokknum Sjálfbærni.
Að skapa þekkingu saman
Að skapa þekkingu saman – Sjálfbær leikskólastarfsemi og stjórnsýsla á Norðurlöndum
Á Norðurlöndum hefur skapast þörf fyrir að efla handleiðslu, leiðsögn og mat á leikskólastarfi til að styðja við framkvæmd laga og reglna, ásamt því að bæta gæði starfsins. Markmið verkefnisins er að skapa sjálfbæra þekkingu og verkfæri til að styðja við stjórnsýslu og eftirlit með leikskólastiginu. Þetta er gert með því að miðla reynslu og beita nýstárlegum, aðferðum á vinnustofum og í rannsóknum.

SEA TALES – Promoting Ocean Literacy and Environmental Sustainability in School Communities
SEA TALES aims to support teachers of primary and secondary education to develop competences and knowledge so as to integrate Ocean Literacy education through role-playing activities in their classrooms and introduce students to its concept and principles for building a generation of ocean literate, active and responsible citizens.

EXPECT – Exploring Practicies in Early Childhood of Tomorrow: Develop resilience in social sustainable childhoods after Covid-19
This project will contribute to a cross-cultural and multidisciplinary picture to ensure resilience in social sustainability in early childhood education in the event of future pandemics, through bringing together findings across the EXPECT studies.

Hí- KRI (1)
Sjálfbær starfsþróun kennara til að auka gæði náms og kennslu í íslensku og raungreinum með aðstoð myndbandsupptöku í kennslustundum
Rannsóknarverkefnið snýr að sjálfbærri þróun kennara til að auka gæði náms í íslensku og raungreinum með aðstoð myndbandsupptöku í kennslustundum. Nýjasta þekking á gæðakennslu verður nýtt í starfstengdu faglegu námi þar sem náið samstarf verður á milli kennara og rannsakenda.

TINK@school – TINKERING for sustainability at school
The 24 month long project proposes the use of tinkering as an approach that can be merged with Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). It will develop educational activities around sustainability and climate topics to be applied at late primary and early secondary level (students aged 8-12 years).

EcoDigital – Taking action for reducing the environmental impact of digitalisation
The EcoDigital project aims to motivate more and more people to realise the importance of the digital waste problem and to develop positive changes in young people’s behaviour with the aim of conveying such behaviours in the wider society.

ActGreenStory (AGS) – Acting Greener in Schools through Digital Narratives
Through ActGreenStory (AGS), capitalizing on past projects, and innovative education methodologies and trainings for green skills, with the use of digital storytelling and creativity partners seek to empower teachers towards achieving greener behaviors, shaping tomorrow’s climate action change-makers along with the engagement of families, hence following a holistic approach.

Raising Excellence in Research and Project Management and Administration through Close Cooperation
Through establishing a close cooperation in the field of Research and Project Management and Administration (RMA), University of Iceland (UI) and Slovak University of Technology (STU) will be able to reach excellence through the exchange know-how, expertise and best practices.

Mapping Education for sustainable development
The project is concerned with sustainability in compulsory education in the Nordic countries and is part of the Iceland Presidency Project for the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.