EXPECT – Exploring Practicies in Early Childhood of Tomorrow: Develop resilience in social sustainable childhoods after Covid-19
This project will contribute to a cross-cultural and multidisciplinary picture to ensure resilience in social sustainability in early childhood education in the event of future pandemics, through bringing together findings across the EXPECT studies.
Stytting námstíma stúdentsprófsbrauta: Áhrif á inntak bóklegs náms á framhaldsskólastigi og áframhaldandi nám á háskólastigi
Markmið verkefnisins eru að kanna áhrif styttingarinnar á inntak stúdentsprófsbrauta og afleiðingar hvað varðar flæði nemenda í gegnum menntakerfið í háskólanám.
BE-CHILD – Be Inclusive towards inclusion of children with special needs and their parents in ECEC –
The aim of the BE-CHILD project is to support ECEC educators’ in working with the development of socio emotional competences (SEC) of pre-school children.
NABO – Social Inclusion of Youth in the Nordic Region
In this research young people’s voices will be heard in questions regarding their lives. Based on that knowledge they will be given the opportunity to participate and influence political decisions. Young people are asked to describe their everyday lives and how they perceive their opportunities and obstacles.
Health Behavior in School aged Children (HBSC)
Health Behavior in School aged Children (HBSC) er rannsókn á vegum Alþjóðaheilbrigðisstofnunarinnar (WHO). Markmið rannsóknarinnar er að safna samanburðarhæfum gögnum um heilsu, velferð, heilsuhegðun og félagslegt umhverfi 11, 13 og 15 ára barna í þátttökulöndunum.