
Rannsóknir á Menntavísindasviði


3 rannsóknir fundust í flokknum Brottfall.
EDUCHANGE – Changing Inequality at Educational Transitions
EDUCHANGE seeks to become one of the first ever projects to conduct simultaneous field experiments in multiple, strategically selected countries (Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Iceland) with the goal to reduce inequality at the educational transition from compulsory to secondary education and at the transition to higher education.

stAI – Act before it happens: Preventing and fighting Early Leaving from Education and Training with Artificial Intelligence
Preventing and fighting Early Leaving from Education and Training with Artificial Intelligence (stAI). The stAI project is dedicated to reducing the average percentage of early leavers in education through a multifaceted approach.

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Íslenska æskulýðsrannsóknin (ÍÆ)
Markmið verkefnisins er að safna gögnum um velferð og viðhorf barna og ungmenna og gera niðurstöður aðgengilegar til að styðja við stefnumótun aðila sem koma að þjónustu og umönnun barna og ungmenna. Grundvöllur verkefnisins liggur einnig í að skapa aðstæður til snemmbærs inngrips og stuðnings við börn og fjölskyldur þeirra.

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